Harmony, Harmony!
在中国历史上肯定出现过一大批前仆后继的敌对势力,历史反革命分子,不安定因素。这些坏人四处上访,鸣冤叫屈,丢人现眼。把一个本来应该有十大发明的国家弄得只发明了四件就垮掉了。尽管他们今天早消失得无影无踪,只能用沙尘暴,空气污染,食品搀假等卑劣的手段来借尸还魂,继续骚扰满怀信心进入二十一世纪的伟大中国;可他们留下了大量造谣惑众,恶毒攻击历史各朝代领导人的言论, 使纯洁悠久,充满浪漫和传统价值含量的中文里充斥了大量屡禁不止,负面影响很坏的词汇。比如为非作歹,违法乱纪,胡作非为,贪婪无耻,盘根错节,滥用职权,贪污盗窃,横行霸道,穷凶极恶,结党营私,封官许愿,颠倒黑白,指鹿为马, 明火执仗,只许州官放火, 不许百姓点灯, 草菅人命,弹冠相庆…..
更令人震惊的是今天有些人居然认为以上这些封建专制制度下产生的邪恶语言依然带有现实意义!这样的人不是别有用心就是故意装傻。难怪韩国, 日本,越南等等的邻居在接受了中文语言之后连滚带爬地,迫不及待地发明了它们自己的语言。他们的统治者多聪明啊!他们知道不彻底放弃这个语言, 迟早他们就会变成历史的注角和讥讽的对象。
强烈建议彻底放弃汉语这个无孔不入,油腔滑调, 发音书写缺乏真诚的, 装腔作势,装模作样,假装正经的语言!
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Who Is Steering the Future of China?
Rivers to the Chinese are symbolic. They carry hope and life; they also carry disappointment and death. In recent years, however, these rivers, just like the society, carry more and more debris and solid waste. The color changes as well since more and more untreated industrial discharge is pumped into them. The boats and ships are still floating around, but the water becomes murkier. The rivers are just like the society, when they are in peace, they bring life and prosperity. But they bring too often destruction to the people, just like the society, as well.
The Chinese used to believe that “the nature and man are one.” Well, the nature sometimes is clearly not on their side. “All rivers go to the sea” as the old saying goes, but nobody really knows where the society turns with all these people who can’t control their own destiny.
Water can generate electricity to bring light to the life of the people. It can also form mud slide and carry hopeless lives into the bottom of civilization.
A society that had been floating on the surface of the world civilization, in history, now has trouble struggling to stay on top of the human world. The changing tide will wash away the dead fish to make way for the new life.
Sometimes one can learn so much about a nation's character just in one day. That day could be September 18th, 2012.
September 16, 2012
Rivers to the Chinese are symbolic. They carry hope and life; they also carry disappointment and death. In recent years, however, these rivers, just like the society, carry more and more debris and solid waste. The color changes as well since more and more untreated industrial discharge is pumped into them. The boats and ships are still floating around, but the water becomes murkier. The rivers are just like the society, when they are in peace, they bring life and prosperity. But they bring too often destruction to the people, just like the society, as well.
The Chinese used to believe that “the nature and man are one.” Well, the nature sometimes is clearly not on their side. “All rivers go to the sea” as the old saying goes, but nobody really knows where the society turns with all these people who can’t control their own destiny.
Water can generate electricity to bring light to the life of the people. It can also form mud slide and carry hopeless lives into the bottom of civilization.
A society that had been floating on the surface of the world civilization, in history, now has trouble struggling to stay on top of the human world. The changing tide will wash away the dead fish to make way for the new life.
Sometimes one can learn so much about a nation's character just in one day. That day could be September 18th, 2012.
September 16, 2012
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