
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Who Is Steering the Future of China?



Rivers to the Chinese are symbolic. They carry hope and life; they also carry disappointment and death. In recent years, however, these rivers, just like the society, carry more and more debris and solid waste. The color changes as well since more and more untreated industrial discharge is pumped into them. The boats and ships are still floating around, but the water becomes murkier. The rivers are just like the society, when they are in peace, they bring life and prosperity. But they bring too often destruction to the people, just like the society, as well.

The Chinese used to believe that “the nature and man are one.” Well, the nature sometimes is clearly not on their side. “All rivers go to the sea” as the old saying goes, but nobody really knows where the society turns with all these people who can’t control their own destiny.

Water can generate electricity to bring light to the life of the people. It can also form mud slide and carry hopeless lives into the bottom of civilization.

A society that had been floating on the surface of the world civilization, in history, now has trouble struggling to stay on top of the human world. The changing tide will wash away the dead fish to make way for the new life.        

Sometimes one can learn so much about a nation's character just in one day. That day could be September 18th, 2012.

September 16, 2012